Editorial #35

It’s been several months now that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been experiencing many changes on a personal, professional and collective level. Despite the fact that these conditions have forced us to adapt to the new reality, with many restrictions on research and access in the field of addictions, at the same time they have brought along creativity and determination. They make us more determined to succeed, and everyone can contribute from their own position and role in this effort to assist those who need it the most during these times.

As the editorial group of a scientific journal facing the challenge of digital transformation that determines developments and perspectives, we tried to create a communication channel between experts, scientists, researchers, students, and all those who are interested in learning about prevention, addictions and their treatment. The cycle of online webinars that was launched last May by the journal EXARTISEIS has been widely accepted by society and, of course, by the scientific community. This initiative gives us the strength and motivation to try other, new forms of open communication and led us become more extroverted. It is our basic belief that through the information and dissemination of research results, the treatment of addictions is scientifically documented, the wider community finds an active role and a space for scientific dialogue and exchange of views.

In the current issue we host important research papers. An interesting study highlights the use of substances in correctional facilities and the relation between drug use and the decision to get a tattoo; with prison tattoos being a way to oppose the penal system. Through strong biographical references, it is highlighted that mental pain and the formation of social identity seem to be a determining factor in the decision to get a tattoo. Another study focuses on the issue of suicide, as a major psychosocial problem and at the same time explores the relation between suicide and addiction, as well as ways to prevent suicide through the prevention and treatment of addictions. The issue of representations of health professionals and substance abusers is an additional pole of discussion as well as the identification of the differences between the two groups. The findings of this study confirm the complexity of addiction as a biopsychosocial phenomenon, as well as the difficulty in identifying and justifying it. Our effort to disseminate scientific knowledge and research to a wider audience is reflected by papers published in English, beyond language boundaries and bearing in mind the vision and willingness to bring more researchers and scientists together to talk about our shared interests and goals. This study aims to highlight the importance of exercise in supporting the treatment process for addiction. Finally, in the section Treatment Perspectives, you may find another study which investigates a sensitive population group, addicted pregnant women, it analyzes and offers arguments for the reassessment of the therapeutic framework of the provided services.

We hope you will enjoy it!

Remos Armaos

On Behalf of the Editorial Group

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