Instructions for writing the article

Instructions for authors

Before submitting your article, please read the instructions below carefully. These guidelines are followed by all journals participating in the International Committee of Publishers for Addiction Magazines (ISAJE) (link).

DEPENDENCE magazine fully adopts the “Farmington Agreement” (Addiction, 1997, 92, 1617-1618) (link) or see (link) the Farmington Agreement (link)

General Issues

The aim of DEPENDENCE magazine is to serve the international interdisciplinary communication between academics and clinicians, to strengthen the links between science and politics, to strengthen and enrich the quality of views. Books and important reports can be submitted for review and / or presentation. We must, however, inform you in advance that texts are not returned.

Ethics and ethics issues

Articles are accepted subject to review by the editorial board. All submitted articles must be accompanied by a statement signed by all authors stating that:

(a) the material contained in the article has not been published in whole or in part in another publication;

(b) the text submitted for publication is not already being published in another form;

(c) all the authors who sign the article have personally participated in the writing process and are equally responsible for its content;

(d) all ethical and ethical principles relating to the protection of customers or participants in animal research and experimentation have been complied with.

The statement must also explicitly state the sources of funding, direct and indirect, as well as any links to the pharmaceutical, tobacco and / or alcohol industries.

Regarding points (a) and (b): if data from this research are presented in more than one publication, this should be mentioned in the article and in a letter to the publisher with a clear explanation of the differences between the article and attached copies of all texts referred to in this research.

You can download the statement on ethics and ethics issues here (link)

If, at any stage, the authors decide to withdraw their article, they are kindly requested to inform the publisher in good time and in writing.


Authors should refrain from making defamatory statements about individuals or organizations, whether they believe they are justified or not. We will continue to raise issues and comment on the behavior of sectors such as the alcohol industry, we will analyze and criticize research and allegations made out of self-interest.


The authors should be as concise as possible and in case the restriction of the article is deemed appropriate to facilitate communication, the issue will be discussed with the publisher. The total length of the article should be between 6000-8000 words. The presentation of facts is acceptable but should in no case exceed 2000 words. Letters should not exceed 600 words.

Submit and format

The submission of documents must be done electronically, via email to . It should be in 12 point font, double spacing and margins of at least 25 mm. The first page should read:

  • the full title of the article and a short title which should not exceed 45 characters,
  • the names of the authors,
  • the place and address of the job and
  • the full mail and electronic address of the author to whom comments, related correspondence and copies of the publication will be sent.

At the bottom of the title page please indicate the total number of words in the article.

The next page will list the full title, names and attributes of the authors and the summary, in Greek and